Say Thank You

Thank Me

If you found this site helpful the best thing you can do is send me a thank you.  Gift cards work great.  In the section below you can follow one of the links and send me a gift card or you can also subscribe to my Patreon.

Each page takes a few hours to write up, format and review. While its a labor of love keeping the site updated, the Patreon subscription allows me to focus less on a real job.


  • At the moment this option is turned off
  • Monthly subscription to keep me writing articles.

Amazon Wishlist

Who doesn’t like to get packages with gifts. Click here for the Amazon Wishlist. I prefer Amazon Gift Cards. I just don’t spend a lot of time updating the list for gifts so check back if you don’t see anything but really want to send me a gift box.

  • Amazon and Google Play gift cards at the top.
  • Products are list below the gift cards but disappear quickly.

PayPal Gift Cards

Some people just like to send money, no obligations and no questions. If so, you can use my Link

Did you get a clue?

If you got a clue and want to thank me, then visit the thank me page. It’s the best way to keep me publishing articles and keeping this site operation.

This site uses affiliate links. When you go to another site from here the link typically will have an affiliate code attached to it. Your actions on that site may earn a small commission for me. Read our affiliate link policy for more details.


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