This page is for notes on various Category/Tag /Taxonomy Cloud functions. I’ve tested and fiddled with all sorts of plug-ins because every client tends to have some other unknown plug-in installed or some custom function.
WordPress has a built-in Tag Cloud function but its very basic.
Cat/Tag /Taxonomy Cloud Plugins.
Category to Pages WUD
Short code Cheat Sheet
[[wudcatlist]] = Displays categories as list.
Extra parameters:
- max=”x”, where X is the maximum records to show
- flat=”1″, shows the categories next to each other instead as list
- title=”x”, shows a custom title instead the title in the admin page
[[wudtaglist]] = Displays tags as list.
Extra parameters:
- max=”x”, where X is the maximum records to show
- flat=”1″, shows the categories next to each other instead as list
- title=”x”, shows a custom title instead the title in the admin page
[[wudpagelist]] = Displays page links from the selected category, inside a page.
Extra parameters:
- max=”x”, where X is the maximum records to show
- flat=”1″, shows the categories next to each other instead as list
- title=”x”, shows a custom title instead the title in the admin page
[[wudrelated]] = Displays all related post and/or pages.
Extra parameters:
- max=”x”, where X is the maximum records to show
- flat=”1″, shows the categories next to each other instead as list
- title=”x”, shows a custom title instead the title in the admin page
- include=”category”, shows also the related categories
- type=”X”, where X = “page” or “post” and displays all related pages or posts. This parameter cannot be used together with the others.
[[wudcatdrop]] = Displays categories as drop down.
[[wudtagdrop]] = Displays tags as drop down.
All the above shortcodes can have the extra sort order parameter:
- sort=”X”, where “X” =
- “date+”, “date-“, to sort by publish date
- “name+”, “name-“, to sort by title
- random
Tag Cloud Coding
Built-in function
<?php $args = array(
'smallest' => 8,
'largest' => 22,
'unit' => 'pt',
'number' => 45,
'format' => 'flat',
'separator' => "\n",
'orderby' => 'name',
'order' => 'ASC',
'exclude' => null,
'include' => null,
'topic_count_text_callback' => default_topic_count_text,
'link' => 'view',
'taxonomy' => 'post_tag',
'echo' => true,
'child_of' => null,
// see Note!); ?>
<?php wp_tag_cloud( $args ); ?>
Use the built in function to show categories
<?php wp_tag_cloud( array( 'taxonomy' => 'category' ) ); ?>
- smallest(integer) (optional) The text size of the tag with the smallest count value (units given by unit parameter).Default: 8
- largest(integer) (optional) The text size of the tag with the highest count value (units given by the unit parameter).Default: 22
- unit(string) (optional) Unit of measure as pertains to the smallest and largest values. This can be any CSS length value, e.g. pt, px, em, %.Default: ‘pt’
- number(integer) (optional) The number of actual tags to display in the cloud. (Use ‘0’ to display all tags.)Default: 45
- format(string) (optional) Format of the cloud display.
- ‘flat’ separated by whitespace defined by ‘separator’ parameter.
- ‘list’ UL with a class of ‘wp-tag-cloud’
- ‘array’ returns the tag cloud as an array for use in PHP.
- Default: flat
- separator(string) (optional) The text/space between tags.Default: ‘\n’ (whitespace)orderby(string) (optional) Order of the tags.
- ‘name’
- ‘count’
- Default: name
- order(string) (optional) Sort order.
- ‘ASC’
- ‘DESC’
- ‘RAND’ tags are in a random order.
- Default: ASC
- exclude(string) (optional) Comma separated list of tags (term_id) to exclude. For example, exclude=5,27 means tags that have the term_id 5 or 27 will NOT be displayed. Defaults to exclude nothing. Default: null
- include(string) (optional) Comma separated list of tags (term_id) to include. For example, include=5,27 means tags that have the term_id 5 or 27 will be the only tags displayed. Defaults to include everything. Default: null
- topic_count_text_callback(string) (optional) The function, which, given the count of the posts with that tag, returns a text for the tooltip of the tag link. Default: default_topic_count_text
- link(string) (optional) Set link to allow edit of a particular tag.
- ‘view’
- ‘edit’
- Default: view
- taxonomy(string or array) (optional) Taxonomy or array of taxonomies to use in generating the cloud.
- ‘post_tag’
- ‘category’
- ‘link_category’
- ‘any other registered taxonomy’
- or array of taxonomies Note: this parameter was introduced with v3.1 of WordPress
- Default: post_tagecho(boolean) (optional) Display the result or return it in a variable. The default is true (display the tag cloud).
- 1 (true)
- 0 (false)
- Default: true
Example CSS to style the built-in
.tagcloud a{
padding:4px 10px;
text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #FFF;
border:1px solid #CCC;
.tagcloud a:hover{
Example to add to a theme’s function file
function wpb_tag_cloud() {
$tags = get_tags();
$args = array(
'smallest' => 10,
'largest' => 22,
'unit' => 'px',
'number' => 10,
'format' => 'flat',
'separator' => " ",
'orderby' => 'count',
'order' => 'DESC',
'show_count' => 1,
'echo' => false);
$tag_string = wp_generate_tag_cloud( $tags, $args );
return $tag_string;
// Add a shortcode so that we can use it in widgets, posts, and pages
add_shortcode('wpb_popular_tags', 'wpb_tag_cloud');
// Enable shortcode execution in text widget
add_filter ('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
Example for plugin creation. For reference on plugin creation see this link.
* Plugin Name: Tags for a Category Shortcode
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Given a category - slug or id - returns linked tag names for any tag found on a post in that category
* Version: 1.0.0
* Author: Roger Barrett
* Author URI:
* License: GPL2+
add_shortcode( 'categorytags', 'tfc_tags_for_category_shortcode' );
function tfc_tags_for_category_shortcode( $atts, $content, $tag ){
//example : [categorytags cat="sport-feature"/]
$inst = shortcode_atts(
'cat' => ''
$html = '';
//no category, no results...
if( !empty( $inst['cat'] ) ){
//get the category...
if( is_numeric( $inst['cat'] ) ){
$cat = get_term_by( 'id', intval( $inst['cat'] ), 'category' );
$cat = get_term_by( 'slug', $inst['cat'], 'category' );
if( !empty( $cat ) ){
//get the posts in the category...
$postids = get_objects_in_term( $cat->term_id, 'category' );
if( !is_wp_error( $postids ) && !empty( $postids ) ){
//get the tags for the posts...
$tags = wp_get_object_terms( (array)$postids, 'post_tag' );
if( !is_wp_error( $tags ) && !empty( $tags ) ){
//make a link for each tag...
foreach( $tags as $tag ){
//simple paragraph containing linked tag name...
$html .= '<p><a href="' . get_term_link( $tag, 'post_tag' ) . '">' . $tag->name . '</a></p>';
return $html;
Example usage : [categorytags cat=”a-category-slug”/]
It will take either a slug or an id.
Example using SQL
function get_category_tags($args)
global $wpdb;
$tags = $wpdb->get_results ("
SELECT DISTINCT terms2.term_id as tag_id, as tag_name, null as tag_link
wp_posts as p1
LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships as r1 ON p1.ID = r1.object_ID
LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy as t1 ON r1.term_taxonomy_id = t1.term_taxonomy_id
LEFT JOIN wp_terms as terms1 ON t1.term_id = terms1.term_id,
wp_posts as p2
LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships as r2 ON p2.ID = r2.object_ID
LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy as t2 ON r2.term_taxonomy_id = t2.term_taxonomy_id
LEFT JOIN wp_terms as terms2 ON t2.term_id = terms2.term_id
t1.taxonomy = 'category' AND
p1.post_status = 'publish' AND
terms1.term_id IN (".$args['categories'].") AND
t2.taxonomy = 'post_tag' AND
p2.post_status = 'publish' AND
p1.ID = p2.ID
ORDER by tag_name ");
$count = 0;
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$tags[$count]->tag_link = get_tag_link($tag->tag_id);
return $tags;
Use this in your theme to display
$args = array('categories' => '12,13,14');$tags = get_category_tags($args)
t2.taxonomy = 'post_tag' AND
t2.taxonomy = ".$args['taxonomy']." AND
Then you can use this to find taxonomy terms related to the category.
$args = array('categories' => '12,13,14', 'taxonomy' => 'string');
Where "string is a comma separated list of taxonomy names
Another Example in SQL
function get_category_tags($args) {
global $wpdb;
$tags = $wpdb->get_results("
terms2.term_id as tag_ID, as tag_name,
t2.count as posts_with_tag
$wpdb->posts as p1
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships as r1 ON p1.ID = r1.object_ID
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy as t1 ON r1.term_taxonomy_id = t1.term_taxonomy_id
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->terms as terms1 ON t1.term_id = terms1.term_id,
$wpdb->posts as p2
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships as r2 ON p2.ID = r2.object_ID
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy as t2 ON r2.term_taxonomy_id = t2.term_taxonomy_id
LEFT JOIN $wpdb->terms as terms2 ON t2.term_id = terms2.term_id
t1.taxonomy = 'category' AND
p1.post_status = 'publish' AND
terms1.term_id = '".$args['categories']."' AND
t2.taxonomy = 'post_tag' AND
p2.post_status = 'publish' AND
p1.ID = p2.ID
$count = 0;
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$tags[$count]->tag_link = get_tag_link($tag->tag_id);
return $tags;
Use it as such:
$args = array('categories' => '6');
$tags = get_category_tags($args);
$content .= "";
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$content .= "<a>tag_link">$tag->tag_name</a>";
$content .= "";
echo $content;
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